Fried Eggs. Simple, huh? Maybe if we were talking about 99% of the people, but when it comes to student life creativity grows exponentially. This are specially cooked eggs, ready to be put into the folder and be carried all day long with your notes until whenever you decide to eat them. Since knowledge of the way of cooking them could put in danger world peace the creator, my flatmate keeps her secret very secretly, like secrets are supposed to be keeped. Some spies from Bielorussia (Belarus) have informed recently that it involves distraction caused by several ex-boyfriend´s lenghthy-inopportunate-calls in a role and the fact of having dyed your hear red the same day and feel very proud of it to be distracted enought to be successful in the process involving the creation of this secret weapon. We will keep you informed. For more info visit
http://www.cia.gov/ and search for
Belarus Fried Eggs.
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